Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Science Of Science Or Forensic Science - 947 Words

Scientists are individuals who analyze how the world is viewed and how it came to be. With their extensive knowledge in either nature, physics, or the social realms, scientists strive to bring the world into a new age of technology. Their main goals include helping the world to flourish into something great using specific scientific methods, creating the future, and discovering Earth s hidden secrets. There are various categories of science, each with extensive scientific knowledge, and the use of the scientific method. People can only become true scientists after attending college, gaining knowledge about a certain field and it’s previous scientists, learning from them, and implementing the Scientific Method in the work that they do. Foremost, to become a scientist, going to college is a must. A bachelor s degree in natural science or forensic science is mandatory for engaging in this field. However in more advanced positions in the scientific field, a master’s degree is highly suggested and sometimes required. One of the most highly recommended colleges for high school graduates looking to get a career in a scientific field is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is central to one of the most compelling university-based nuclear reactors in the United States( The college, founded in 1861, is a private research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. MIT has a long history of modernization and discovery. They have beenShow MoreRelatedForensic Science Is Not A Perfect Science?1614 Words   |  7 Pagestechnology and knowledge has greatly improved the capability to catch criminals. Forensics of the past did not include the tools or knowledge that we now have. A lthough forensics is not a perfect science nor has it ever been, we are closer to perfection than we have ever been. Every criminal leaves behind some traces of evidence; it is up to the professionals to find and analyze it to solve a case. Looking at the timeline of forensics technology of the past to the present it is evident that it has evolvedRead MoreForensic Science2789 Words   |  12 PagesThinking Questions 1. Why are forensic scientists an important part of drug cases? 2. If you were a forensic scientist and you were called to a crime scene to see if drugs were present, what would you do to determine this? 3. Why is it important for forensic scientists to have as much information as possible about the place where a possible drug substance was found? 4. What are some of the difficulties in identifying particular drugs? Why is it important for forensic scientists to be able to identifyRead MoreForensic Science: Forensic Odontology1205 Words   |  5 Pagesspecialty is forensic odontology. Forensic odontologists are dentists that work in the field of forensic science. Forensic odontology offers the widest variety of working conditions out of all of the other dental specialties. Not many people realize this, but forensic odontology goes all the way back to the 18th century. Paul Revere is mainly known for his famous phrase, â€Å"the British are coming,† but he is not very well known for being a dentist. In fact, he was the first forensic odontologistRead MoreThe Evolution of Forensic Science699 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Evolution of Forensic Science Forensic science is a broad term that refers to the use of science or technology in a court room environment. Forensic science plays an important role in modern popular culture; the police procedural is highly dependent upon cutting-edge forensic science. Moreover, many people are aware of the impact of DNA testing on the modern criminal justice landscape. However, forensic science actually predates many modern scientific advances; almost as long as there have beenRead MoreForensic Science : A Forensic Scientist1546 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Main Topic: The topic that was chosen to be researched was Forensic Science. Topic POV: The point of writing this essay is to discuss how a forensic scientist help assist the police in solving a crime. Guiding questions: What is forensic science? What is a forensic scientist and what do they do? What are some equipment’s that are used? Kinds of forensic scientist. Skills/ Qualifications What is forensic science? Forensics is the basis of the crime-fighting unit. It is devised to assist inRead MoreEssay on Forensic Science1603 Words   |  7 Pages Forensic Science, also known as Forensics, is the application of science to law. It uses highly developed technology to uncover scientific evidence in a variety of fields. Modern forensic science has a broad range of applications. It is used in civil cases such as forgeries, fraud or negligence. The most common use of forensic science is to investigate criminal cases involving a victim, such as assault, robbery, kidnapping , rape, or murder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Forensic science is also used in monitoringRead MoreThe Examination Of Forensic Science1553 Words   |  7 PagesScience is frequently viewed as a way to examine the world and its contiguous atmosphere. Coming from the word scientia, which is Latin and means knowledge, science is a methodical readiness that creates and arranges information in the form of testable justifications and expectations about the world that we know. Many ideas fall directly into this category. Because of this, a lot of notions and concepts can be categorized as a science discipline. It is apparent that certain science disciplinesRead MoreForensic Science : A Forensic Scientist1648 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Topic: Forensic Science In general, a forensic scientist’s job provides an objective, scientific analysis to discover the truth and use that truth in legal proceedings. Forensic scientists take items of evidence collected from crime scenes and determine their relevance to the case by examining and analyzing the evidence. There are various types of forensic scientists that specialize in specific examinations and analysis of different types of evidence. Eventually forensic scientists willRead MoreForensic Science Investigators 1153 Words   |  5 PagesKids in high school traditionally have a relatively low interest in science because they might think its boring, or tedious, but when you put something forensic behind it, it makes things more exciting. â€Å"Forensic scientists assist various law enforcement agencies throughout the United States and internationally†(Corey). Most police investigations begin at the scene of a crime. The scene is simply defined as the actual site or location in which the crime took place. The entire investigation hangsRead MoreForensic Science Essay1221 Words   |  5 Pages Forensic Science Forensic science is a scientific method of gathering and examining evidence. Crimes are solved with examinations such as gathering fingerprints, palm prints, footprints, tooth bite prints, blood, hair and fiber samples (assampolice, par. 1). Handwriting and typewriting samples are also studied, including all ink, paper, and the arrangement and appearance of printed matter. Studying of the firing, flight, and effects of ammunition techniques are

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